About Me

- wonderfullymademama :)
- Charlotte, NC, United States
- I love a great deal and hate paying full price for things! I would love to share budget busting tips and ways to save on this blog. I am the mother of a son who drives and inspires me. I love and enjoy my family and friends. I want all mama's to remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.Psalm 139:14 -Lets form a global network for "mamas". We can share tips,encouragement, support for wonderfully made mama's no matter what stage you are in life...Know that you don't have to have a biological child to be a "mama" you could be a spiritual mama to someone, or even a mama to a four legged friend!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Back to basics- lets stress less
Life doesnt have to be complicated, really it doesnt. Im in a "transitional" period right now, and the simpler and less complicated my life is, the better. Im trying to incorporate this thinking into everything I do, from eating, to relationships to dealing with my son. My child gets very easily stressed, so he does not need a stressed attitude from me.Sometimes,I have to "talk myself" through certain situations, or even call a friend for input when I feel things getting ready to blow. Im finding when I have lots on my mind lately, and things are crazy in my head, exercise helps so much! I used to laugh at people saying that exercise reduces stress, but now I see the benefits.Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from the situation and do a "mindless" activity- go for a walk through the mall, sit outside in fresh air,put on the ipod or even take a nap!If you have people in your life that are constantly sucking you dry, and create a negative atmosphere around you,distance yourself! Your peace of mind is sooo important- it affects you,your health and your loved ones. Try to keep it simple and see the difference.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Another good one, Gone too soon,Hug your loved ones!
Wow, my sister just called me with some sad, tragic news. Our old friend and neighbor Beverly, passed away. My sister still lives in the house where we grew up, and she would still see Beverly on a regular basis. She had been in poor health these past few years, on dialysis and recently had heart surgery, which she never recovered from. She had to be only in her late 50's! Wow. You know how you have that one house in the neighborhood where all the kids go, and nobody really gets turned away? That was her house. The house where if you walked in and dinner was cooking (even if it wasnt) you were welcome to stay and eat? That was Beverly's.
She even gave homes to cats and dogs who needed it.When my son was born? She brought over food and advice, even babysit for me when i needed it. When my dad was sick with cancer, she made food and had had her son take some up to ICU, where we were.Beverly Glover, is leaving behind wonderful children she raised, mostly by herself, grandchildren, friends, family and old neighbors who will miss her loving, generous spirit. I really wish I had more time to have spent with her, called to catch her up on things, it had been a long time since we had talked. The good thing- her wonderful spirit will live on, and she suffers no longer...Miss you Beverly.
She even gave homes to cats and dogs who needed it.When my son was born? She brought over food and advice, even babysit for me when i needed it. When my dad was sick with cancer, she made food and had had her son take some up to ICU, where we were.Beverly Glover, is leaving behind wonderful children she raised, mostly by herself, grandchildren, friends, family and old neighbors who will miss her loving, generous spirit. I really wish I had more time to have spent with her, called to catch her up on things, it had been a long time since we had talked. The good thing- her wonderful spirit will live on, and she suffers no longer...Miss you Beverly.

Friday, April 16, 2010
Hmmmm this could be habit forming!
Happy Friday beautiful people! Yes, we are all unique and special and works in progress. Wondering about my blog title today? Well, I am in the middle of a "life overhaul" and changing old habits is part of my process. Did you know it takes about 30 days to form a new habit? Thats why you hear about the "30 day diets" "change your life in 30 days". It can be done. It really takes some sources of motivation, and some determination. For me, its bad food habits that im changing and im hoping after 30 days, The GOOD habits that I create will stick with me, and the old way I eat will seem sooo far gone.What are your bad habits? Food, drinking, not exercising, and of course some that maybe some of you hate to mention... With some support from family and friends, and a sense that you can CHANGE your life at any moment- not just at the beginning of the year, YOU CAN DO IT. Turn those bad habits around today! Have a peaceful weekend...

Friday, April 09, 2010
Friends-how many of us have them?
Old schoolers- remember that song? Classic lyrics. Anyway, I thought I would give everyone something to ponder over the weekend. Having true friends in your life is so important! I think certain people are placed in your path for a reason, and sometimes removed for a reason. Of course there are what i call "full circle" friends. Those are the friends that you have for life, sometimes you talk, somtimes you dont. But your friendship always picks right up where it started from every time! The true blue friends who support you in life through deaths, births and marriages.Those friends who help you with your drama, listen to your crazy stories and let you stay the night when your in trouble. Of course you have your work friends, which can turn into true friendships, too. In the 21st century, there are so many ways to keep up with and catch up with old friends! Anything goes, facebook, texting, email. Thank God for technology!
I wont spend too much time on the bad friends crowd- The needy, clingy, toxic friends that make you feel like your more burdened down with drama, that you were to begin with! Foolishness! Lets be all about supporting our friends, being there when they need to talk and listen, and making the effort to keep in touch! Of course thats a two way street as well. It goes both ways people. You can keep and treasure the old, and make new ones in your life journey! Friends- where would we be without at least one?
I wont spend too much time on the bad friends crowd- The needy, clingy, toxic friends that make you feel like your more burdened down with drama, that you were to begin with! Foolishness! Lets be all about supporting our friends, being there when they need to talk and listen, and making the effort to keep in touch! Of course thats a two way street as well. It goes both ways people. You can keep and treasure the old, and make new ones in your life journey! Friends- where would we be without at least one?

Thursday, April 01, 2010
30 Day Life Change Challenge!
Whats going on world? I was talking to my co-worker today (hey LB!),she liked the idea of starting up a dance class. I told her I was on board, thats one of those things I totally gave up on, and miss! So she challenged me, lets do it in the next 30 days! That gave me a great idea for a blog post. What "new thing" can you challenge yourself to do in the next 30 days? Hmmm, no pressure, dont freak out on me..Maybe something that you have been meaning to do but havent done- take a class, get a pedicure or massage, drink more water, or get some exercise in somewhere! Make it something that will directly benefit or enrich your life. If you have a family, kids or a significant other, this will positively affect them too- you will feel accomplished, feel like you got some "me time" and hopefully less stressed on a regular basis! Life is too short, and we are too blessed to be stressed all the time! What's your "thing" going to be over the next 30 days?

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