- Use those compression storage bags, they take up a lot less space, you can get them anywhere now.
-Donate or sell any clothes you have not worn in 6 months to charity. LET IT GO!!
- Have a yard sale! Find out if your neighbors or friends want to go in with you..
- Break it up over two weeks or weekends, maybe clean one week and de-clutter the next,I find it less intimidating for me...
Also some household cleaning tips that can make your life easier:
-For a sparkling white porcelain sink, place paper towels across the bottom of your sink and saturate with household bleach. Let sit for 8 hour & rinse. Never use bleach in colored sinks.
-Remove stubborn water spots from a stainless sink with a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol.
-A few drops vanilla extract on a piece of cotton placed in the refrigerator will eliminate odors.
-Crayon marks on walls? A damp rag, dipped in
baking soda. Comes off with little effort.
Ok so, there you go! Lets clean and de-clutter our lives INSIDE and OUT!

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