About Me

- wonderfullymademama :)
- Charlotte, NC, United States
- I love a great deal and hate paying full price for things! I would love to share budget busting tips and ways to save on this blog. I am the mother of a son who drives and inspires me. I love and enjoy my family and friends. I want all mama's to remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.Psalm 139:14 -Lets form a global network for "mamas". We can share tips,encouragement, support for wonderfully made mama's no matter what stage you are in life...Know that you don't have to have a biological child to be a "mama" you could be a spiritual mama to someone, or even a mama to a four legged friend!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
You come first! (after God)
Sounds selfish doesn't it? I know I have mentioned this before, but you have to take care of yourself first people. Emotionally, physically, financially, and on and on. Guess what?? What will the people who depend on you do if your broken down in any of those areas? Yes, hopefully family and friends would step in to lift you up, however- sometimes when we know we should say NO instead of YES, we take away valuable time and resources from ourselves!!! I do consider myself a giving and generous person, but when I'm emotionally or mentally beat down,and don't have much to give, sometimes and those around me may not "get it". Oh well! I would rather take some "me" time to get myself refreshed, so that I can tackle life and be the best mother,sister and friend, ect. that I can be to my loved ones..I know it's hard for some, so just take baby steps, practice saying "no", take some time for yourself, and communicate how you really feel... You would be surprised, those who care about you will really understand! Peace and blessings :)

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So true!!! Keep up the good work girl!