Personally, in the past few years, I am finally finding my personal "niche". Why? It could be for many reasons. I think for some, you may suppress the "real you" to please others, make them happy, and be what they want you to be. I WAS one of these. The title of my blog is Wonderfully Made Mama for a reason. All of you need to know you were made for a reason and a purpose, and wonderfully! Once you realize God has a unique life plan for you and your specific personality, you can FLY! By the grace of God, I am taking the time to write down my likes, dislikes, my strengths and weaknesses, and how these can apply to my life. I am not letting anyone tell me what I am good at, or how they can show me the path to happiness or help me get there. That is for you to pray about and ask God to help you get to know the "real you".
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 (NIV)
P.S I was inspired by Renee Swope's blog from the Proverbs 31 Ministries-
Proverbs 31 Ministries
